Infertility ultrasound is used in the assessment and management of women who are having difficulty conceiving.
Ultrasound is used to “see” structures in the female abdomen and pelvis. This type of ultrasound requires a full bladder so that the sound waves could be transmitted more easily into the pelvis. Just about every other type of infertility ultrasound is done using a vaginal ultrasound. The image quality is superior with vaginal ultrasound since the ultrasound probe is much closer to the pelvic organs like the uterus and ovaries.
An infertility ultrasound is an important test for women experiencing difficulty conceiving. First, an infertility ultrasound will verify that the uterus and both ovaries are present. The size, shape and position of the uterus are recorded. Masses within the uterus called fibroid can be measured and mapped. The ovaries can also be measured. A common abnormal finding on an infertility ultrasound is ovarian cysts. Most often, ovarian cysts are simply evidence of a growing egg or evidence of recent ovulation.